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Massachusetts Society of Professors

The Union of Faculty and Librarians at UMass Amherst

Executive Board Minutes

Executive Board Minutes

Minutes from Executive Board meetings are posted once the Board approves the minutes.

02/12/2025: Discussion of federal actions, bargaining update, prep for Provost's visit

11/06/2024: Discussion about exit interviews, report on childcare action, bargaining update

10/23/2024: Operation Excellence Initiative, travel policy and Dr. Yangyang Cheng lecture, bargaining update

10/09/2024: Upcoming events, grievance report, bargaining update

9/25/2024: Bargaining update, upcoming actions, organizing opportunities

5/1/2024: MTA Annual Meeting, grievance report, bargaining update

4/17/2024: Health & Welfare Trust, student discipline appeal, MTA annual delegate meeting

4/3/2024: FY25 MSP budget, bargaining update (online teaching, admin's policy proposals), faculty advocacy

3/14/2024: Environmental and Social Action Movement (ESAM), bargaining updates

2/24/2024: Bargaining update, student discipline appeals, organizing

2/14/2024: Pre-hire consultations, parameter update, health & welfare trust, international faculty, organizing, MTA annual meeting, MSP connection

11/29/2023: Annual dept reps meeting, meeting with chancellor, response to student conduct hearings, rally for raises

11/8/2023: International faculty organizing, UUU Cost of Living Action (11/14), AI Forum Debrief, Academic Freedom Amid Campus Protests, General Assembly (12/1)

10/11/2023: Meeting with Chancellor, Updating Bylaws, Parameters Planning & Statewide Coalition, New Member Contacts, AI Forum Planning

9/13/2023: Recruitment for CHERISH Hearing, Department Visits, Communications, New Member Organizing

3/1/2023: Bargaining, MTA/Statewide parameters, union coalition, MSP proposals, pay equity process, new hires

2/15/2023: Lobby Day, bargainging, workload equity, pay equity, legislative breakfast, Medicare for All

11/2/2022: Dues abatements, Provost meeting debrief, workload equity, workload grievances, raises, elections

10/19/2022: Department visits, meeting with the Provost, Fair Share

9/28/2022: Heather Sharpes-Smith and LMS at UMass, equitable workload, organizing

9/14/2022: Raises, workload grievances, Chancellor meeting debrief, fall department visits, Fair Share phone banks, equitable workload policies

4/20/2022: Lessons learned from bargaining, updates on workload grievances, organizing new members, MTA Annual Meeting

3/23/2022: Bargaining updates, calendar committee, masks, UMass climate change interviews

2/16/2022: Bargaining updates, other Mass state unions, next steps, legal track, organizing track, HR, MTA meetings

2/2/2022: Covid health and safety, bargaining, transition to new Provost, move to change AFR/ALR, Moodle and Blackboard concerns, MSP reps needed for Faculty Senate councils, new members

12/1/21: All In report backs, Academic Calendar Change Update, Possible MUM Actions, Fair Share Commitment

11/10/2021: Health and safety updates, bargaining updates, bargaining priorities, internal organizing issues for faculty senate

10/27/2021: Healthy buildings" multi-union and MTA campaign, update on MA House ARPA allocation, internal organizing of non-members

10/13/2021: Health and safety, ventilation, teaching assignments, University Budget, Provost's FY22 planning and budget process, department visits, uncollectibles

9/29/2021: Health and safety, bargaining, academic calendar change, Board and Rep responsibilities

9/15/2021: Health and safety, bargaining, department visits

4/21/2021: UMass budget, report back from Chancellor meeting, MSP listening tour

3/24/2021: Budget updates, bargaining, UMass finances

3/10/2021: Updates, response to administration's COVID failures, UMass budget and finances

2/24/2021: Updates (Vaccines, legislators, staffing, COVID, car caravan action), report back from deparment meetings, small group model, breakout conversations

2/10/2021: Updates- Covid, staffing, meeting with legislators and MSP leadership, report backs from outreach, bargaining updates

11/04/2020: Report back from Chancellor/Provost meeting, report of organizing committee, discussion of Spring planning

10/21/2020: AFRs, budget updates, state legislature races, MTA phone banking, spring planning, coordination with other unions, report back from department meetings, report from WMALF

10/7/2020: Updates, UMass Green New Deal, thoughts and next steps, debrief of membership meeting, creation of new committees, new item-AFRs

9/23/2020: Updates on furloughs and staff, updates on board of trustees, report backs from department meetings and All In conversations

9/9/2020: Chancellor meeting updates, updates on furloughs, staff union organizing, All In campiagn

8/4/2020: Updates on funding and budges, safety and health, UMass Unions United, bargaining updates, All In campaign

4/15/2020: Bargaining updates, FY21 budget, MSP COVID-19 relief dontation, MTA delegates, Board and Officer seats, General Assembly planning, virtual teach-in

3/11/2020: Bargaining updates, MSP leadership structure, continuing Mickey's work with the MSP

2/26/2020: Bargaining updates, internal organizing training, outreach to recent new hires and non-members, lobby day

2/12/20: Bargaining updates, higher education lobby day, All-in campaign, Western Mass ALF dues, co-sponsorship of Know Your Rights panel

1/29/2020: Bargaining updates, higher education conference debrief, department visits, lobby day, retiree program, Western Mass labor union legislative breakfast, Cherish Act trivia night, MSP 45th celebration

12/11/19: Updates, general assembly plans, brainstorming bargaining proposals on key priority issues

11/20/19: Updates, bargaining support committees, spring department visits and MSP's 45th anniversary

11/6/19: Updates on PFML bargaining, UWW impact bargaining, anomaly/pay equity committee and new MSP budget items; uncollectibles, departments co-sponsoring events, faculty transition to retirement workshop

10/2/19: Amendment to MSP donation policy, bargaining update, bargaining committees, reports from dept meetings and organizing plans, plan for joint dept. rep and board meeting, the MSP Connection, retiree membership program

9/18/19: Approval of John Staudenmayer to Board, updates, bargaining schedule & team, All-In and organizing, challenges, bargaining committees

4/24/19: plan for general assembly, CHERISH act and May 16 day of action, dues abatement, update from equity committees, fall bargaining

4/10/2019: Follow up for Fund Our Future, April 30 Cherish Act hearings, May 16 day of action, update on online education, dues abatement

3/27/2019: Report from Fund Our Future campaign, Eric from PHENOM, budget review, dues abatement, non-payer member outreach

3/6/2019: Hampshire College, online education, MTA Annual Meeting, Fund Our Future Higher Education Advocacy Day

2/20/2019: Fund Our Future Higher Education Advocacy Day organizing, department visits, plan for joint board/rep meeting

2/6/2019: JCC bylaw change approval, debrief from Fund Our Future, higher ed advocacy day, updates from joint committees

11/28/2018: Fund Our Future Campagin, retro pay increases, organizing report backs and communication from departments

11/7/2018: Update on contract funding, joint MSP-administration committees, organizing reports, uncollectibles

10/24/2018: Contract update, legislative update, department visits, social media plan, All In organizing, department rep schedule

10/10/2018: Mass RNs and Question 1, Updates (Contract funding and Title IX), All-in organizing and department rep structure

9/26/2018: Contract updates (funding, anomaly process, labor management committees), political agenda and MTA legislative priorities, role of board members and department reps, All-in organizing, department visits

5/2/2018: Debrief from General Assembly, agency fee organizing, VIVO discussion

4/18/2018: Budget, bargaining update (small MSP delegation), Mt. Ida and mass meeting debrief, ideas for General Assembly, MTA Annual Meeting

4/4/2018: MiniVan training, bylaws change, Board of Trustees actions, mass meeting turnout, bargaining update (contract lengths, parameters, NTT leave and equity process)

3/21/2018: Annual Meeting delegates, mobilization for mass meetings, Board of Trustees meeting

2/28/18: Debrief on UUU action, bargaining updates (NTT reappointment language, CPE minimums, salary offer, ULP), update from Chancellor meeting

2/14/2018: UUU day of action, bullying process, education effectiveness plans and student learning outcomes

1/31/2018: Feb 26th day of action, GIC update

12/13/2017: Debrief on General Assembly, Board of Trustees meeting report back, bargaining update (faculty governance), Section 60 and MSERS, Title IX, UPR solidarity

11/29/2107: Bargaining update (parameters and NTT leave), solidarity Wednesdays, plan for General Assembly, corporate campaign

11/8/2017: Bargaining update (priorities and actions), bias in SRTI, practicing All In conversations

10/25/2017: Amazon, Chancellor at town meetings, sexual harassment and consensual relationships policy, bargaining update (proposals)

10/11/17: New bully policy, All In conversations, department visit feedback

9/13/2017: Library compliance officer, uncollectibles, parameters update, petitions for minimum wage and paid family medical leave, All In campaign, department vists

9/27/2017: Upcoming events, all union meeting, department visit talking points, John McCarthy and Michael Eagen visit